Who am I & what do I do?
Artist / Designer / Writer, Blockchain Consultant, ₿itcoin Educator, Real Estate Manager with a Swiss Federal Professional Certificate, problem solver through imagination & creativity, former Chef (formation in classic French cuisine with a Swiss Federal Professional Certificate), former First Lieutenant @ Swiss Army (ex-interpreter for the Federal Intelligence Service - FIS), freelancer interpreter @ cantonal police Aargau, 🇧🇷 🇨🇭 🇲🇽 🦁, 100% made of Gold(Au)+Titanium(Ti)+Sulfur(S)+Titanium(Ti)+Carbon(C)
Way of thinking:
Life becomes more colourful, easier to bear & tastier, when you embrace the way you are & tick, even if the whole world pigeonholes you. For me being normal is boring, being different means being extraordinarily! If I could eat only one meal for the rest of my life it would be... diamonds 💎 for breakfast & shine bright all day long
RIP 🪦 Papa, 09.04.1943 - 08.07.2022
Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki
Jewish🩸flows in my veins & I was raised Christian. But it’s not about Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Irreligion, etc. It’s about LOVE! Loving the architect of the universe with all your 🤍 & soul & loving your neighbour! Everything else is vegetable side dish 🥕🥦
🤍 😻 Into:
Bitcoin (what the internet did for information, Bitcoin is doing for money), looking 👀 into Blockchain Development, DCA, Art & Design, social working, Science, Astrophysics (thirsty for knowledge) & SciFi, license plates, sudoku & numbers, deep talk (God, ⚛️ , black holes, life after ☠️, 👽, our fears, victories, defeats & dreams, our childhood memories, what keeps us awake @ night, our favourite smells, etc), critical thinking, independent journalism, DIY, board games, Monopoly, 9gag, memes, dad jokes, dark humour, sarcasm, laughing till the belly hurts, slow kisses, 👨🏻🍳, 🍷, 🍵 🫖 , lavender, cleanliness & order, homemade cookies.
¡Me gustan las personalidades profundas!
🤓 🤩 Big fan of:
N. Nikolajsen von Karlshof, Dr. S. Ammous, S. Dixon, M. Keiser, M. Maloney, M. J. Saylor, A. Antonopoulos, R. T. Kiyosaki, W. Woo, B. Cowen, L. Alden, M. Moss, WikiLeaks, J. Assange, E. Snowden, G. Celente, Judge A. Napolitano, N. Tesla, World Science Festival, TED-Ed, SciShow, Redacted, Bansky, Urknall Weltall & das Leben, The Passion of the Christ, Bible Movies, The Office, The Big Short, The Matrix, PBS Space Time, The Big Bang Theory, Kurzgesagt, The Trends Journal & many more 😻
🤢 🚫 into / grind my gears:
Fiat, BIS, FED, IMF, banks & central banks, TradFi, WEF, WHO, TV, social media, mainstream “propaganda“ media, censorship, small talk, sugar, injustice, cruelty to animals, drama, crypto traders (IMO they go in & out of trades & don’t care long term of the underlining Blockchain technology), slow internet & olives
🔥🔥 Every time I walk into a bank I think: The Office, season 7, episode 19, minute 14:45 🔥🔥
My Name is Alejandro Del Conde (artist name), a regular everyday normal guy, just a little voice in the desert, that through Bitcoin now pursues his passion - Art, Blockchain & Real Estate.
Bringing Bitcoin adoption forward!
I specialize & my passion is in the following three areas:
1 - Art & culture
Running a studio, art gallery & own small clothing collection (art as wearables) - 💯 % handcrafted, 💯 % Swiss made 🇨🇭. Provision of services for the arts & culture sector. For me, art only makes sense when it arouses, enlightens, has an impact & causes a reaction. With my works of art, I dare a riot & want to do something for the ENVIRONMENT (eco-friendly, CO2-negative works of Bitcoin Art) & EDUCATE, CHANGE, BRING AWARENESS, ENCOURAGE YOU & SOCIETY TO RETHINK: “TRUE VALUE & TRUST” & bring you to ask questions, regarding our current FIAT - Standard & monetary debt based financial system, enslaving us in an invisible prison, where our hard earned currency 😓 is inflated away, with all the QE’s, loose monetary policies & government spending. I want my works to make a difference, my artworks are no longer just works of art, but also weapons, an educational campaign against this robbery of our TRUE WEALTH (our time & freedom) by devaluing of FIAT-currencies.
Every work of art is like a stone that I throw into the water, let's see which one makes the highest waves.
2 - Blockchain & Blockchain Development (Solidity):
Consulting services in the field of blockchain, cryptocurrencies & blockchain based applications, promotion of mutual exchange of knowledge & experience, as well as developments in the field of blockchain. Advising companies, organizations, teams & individuals in the field of Blockchains & digital applications (not financial advise).
The field of blockchain & cryptocurrencies is a new area & a financial innovation. Financial market regulators, politicians, authorities & legislators currently understand this area poorly & due to a lack of legislation & understanding to protect the consumer, blockchain & crypto is for now, literally, the Wild West. In 2022, we saw the fall of various financial service providers & ecosystems such as Luna USD (Terraform Labs), Three Arrows Capital, Voyager Digital, BlockFi, Celsius Network, Alameda Research, FTX, possibly Genesis Trading (subsidiary of Digital Currency Group (DCG)), possibly BUSD on the BNB-Blockchain (not BUSD from Paxos on the ETH-Blockchain), keep an eye on USDT (Tether) & their shenanigans, SEC lawsuit agains Rippel, etc. & many investors have lost their hard-earned money. In addition, there are various scammers & organizations, who dress up as good sheep & ONLY have the intention of manipulating, pressuring & rug pulling unsuspecting investors. My passion is to advise & protect investors to the best of my knowledge & belief & to teach self custody.
More Information under - Scams & Customer Reviews
I love, like an eagle, to have a bird's eye view of the market situation & feel the pulse of the world. Like a sniper I follow meticulously:
Various markets such as the S&P500, DJI, NDQ, SSE Composite Index, UKX, DAX, NI225, SMI, IMOX, etc.
Commodities such as CFD’S on Gold, Silver, Copper, Palladium, Uranium, Crude Oil, etc.
Economic figures such as WM1NS, WM2NS (M1 & M2 Money Stock), CPI (Consumer Price Index), PCE (Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index), PPI (Producer Prices Index), USUR (United States Unemployment Rate), USIJC (United States Initial Jobless Claims), USCJC (United States Continuing Jobless Claims), USMR (US Mortgage Rate), MSACSR (US Housing Market), CHUR (Swiss Unemployment Rate), etc.
Central bank figures & balance sheets such as USCBBS, GBCBBS, CNCBBS, EUCBBS, CHBBS, etc.
Inflation & Core Inflation such as USIRYY, USCIR, USPPIYY, GBIRYY, CNIRYY, EUIRYY, CHIRYY, etc.
Central Banks key interest rates such as USINTR, GBINTR, CNINTR, EUINTR, CHINTR, etc.
Food Price Inflation of different countries such as USFI, CNFI, JPFI, EUFI, CHFI, etc.
US government bonds (short, middle & long term) such as US01M, US02M, US06M, US01Y, US02Y, US05Y, US10Y, US30Y, T10Y3M, T10Y2Y
DXY (US Dollar Currency Index) & VIX (Volatility S&P500 Index)
Various currencies & fluctuations in Euro, Dollar, Swiss Frank, Yen, Yuan, etc.
Crypto market figures such as Total (Crypto Total Market Cap), Total 2 (Crypto Total Market Cap Exclude BTC), Total 3 (Crypto Total Market Cap Exclude BTC + ETH), Others (Crypto Total Market Cap Exclude BTC, ETH + Stablecoins), etc.
Dominances of various tokens & blockchains such as USDT. D (Tether), USDC. D (Circle), BUSD.D (Binance), BTC. D, 100-BTC. D, ETH. D, etc.
Bitcoin relevant core numbers such as Hashrate & Difficulty rate
Bitcoin On-Chain Analysis such as Reserve Risk, Market Cap to Thermocap Ratio, Puell Multiple, Realized HODL Ratio, Stock-to-Flow Deflection, MVRV Z-Score, Percent Balance on Exchanges, Exchange Net Position Change, Entity-Adjusted Dormancy Flow, Realized Price & Market Value to Realized Value Ratio (MVRV), etc.
3 - Real Estate Management:
The provision of all services in connection with real estate, namely management, acquisition, sale, marketing & brokerage of real estate, center & facility management, establishment of condominiums, living with services (including service management) as well as financial & construction trust services & other services. In the past, I was able to successfully manage commercial & rental properties of various owners (Swiss pension funds, Swiss investment foundations, institutions, Swiss banks, etc.). Soon exploring the possibility & feasibility of tokenisation of real estate, properties & land titles through NFT’s.
Donations & Support:
If you like my work & want to support my journey in EDUCATE, CHANGE, ENCOURAGE SOCIETY TO RETHINK: “TRUE VALUE & TRUST” through ART & bring society to ask questions, regarding our fake current FIAT - Standard & monetary debt based financial system, enslaving us in an invisible prison, where our hard earned currency 😓 is inflated away, with all the QE’s, loose monetary policies & government spending & bring Bitcoin adoption forward, you can do it directly:
Bitcoin On-Chain
Lightning Address
Lightning Invoice
Helping others is the way we help ourselves. There’s something about having people around you giving you support that is - it’s motivating & once I get that support from people, then I believe I could do anything & continue working & bringing Bitcoin adoption forward. I’m asking for your support, not because I’m weak, but because I want to remain strong. “Giving is the secret of the law of money. Give & you shall receive” - Robert T. Kiyosaki
Every sat is very much appreciated. May God bless your beautiful heart.
Stay prudent, stay hungry for knowledge, stay humble & stack sats 🤩
So, what is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is the world's first cryptocurrency & it works because of the world's first public blockchain network.
What does Bitcoin do?
It’s simple, it lets you send & receive value, to & from anyone in the world, using nothing more than a computer & an internet connection.
Now why is it revolutionary?
Because unlike every other tool for sending money over the Internet, it works without the need to trust a middleman. The lack of any Corporation in between,
means that Bitcoin is the world's first public digital payments infrastructure, & by public I simply mean, available to all & not owned by any single entity.
Now we have public infrastructure for information, for websites, for email, it's called the internet. But the only public payments infrastructure that we have is FIAT/cash, as in paper money & it only works in face-to-face transactions.
Before Bitcoin, if you wanted to pay someone remotely over the phone or the internet, then you could not use public infrastructure. You would rely on a private bank to open their books & add a ledger entry that debits you & credits the person you're paying, & if you both don't use the same bank, well then there'll be multiple Banks & multiple Ledger entries in between.
With Bitcoin, The Ledger is the public blockchain & anyone can add an entry to that ledger transferring their Bitcoins to someone else, & anyone, regardless of their nationality, race, religion, gender, sex or credit worthiness, can for absolutely no cost, create a Bitcoin address in order to receive payments digitally.
Bitcoin is the world's first globally accessible public money.
Is it perfect?
No, neither was email when it was invented in 1972.
Bitcoin's not the best money on every margin, it's not yet accepted everywhere, it's not used often to quote prices & it's not always a stable store of value,
but it is working & the mere fact that it works without trusted intermediaries, is amazing!
It's a computer science breakthrough & it will be as significant for Freedom, Prosperity & Human Flourishing, as the birth of the internet &
Bitcoin is just the beginning.
If we can replace private payments infrastructure, then we can replace other private choke points to human interaction as well!
Now why should we want to build more public infrastructure?
Why should we embrace Blockchains over corporate intermediaries?
Why should we tolerate their inefficiencies & work to make them better?
A simple reason, because the corporate intermediaries providing today's critical but privately owned infrastructure, are becoming fewer,
larger & more powerful & their failures are in critics increasingly grave. Some examples…
Roughly half of all Americans (143 million people) had their social security numbers exposed to hackers because of a breach at Equifax.
A SWIFT Network has relayed hundreds of millions of dollars in fraudulent transactions because of hacked member banks in Bangladesh, Vietnam, Ecuador & Russia. The FBI suspects now that the largest of these hacks was perpetrated by North Korea.
Corrupt low-level employees at an Indian Bank, Punjab National, were able to fraudulently certify Swift messages stealing 1.8 billion dollars. It's the largest electronic bank robbery in history, in fact, it's the largest bank robbery in history.
In October 2016, an estimated 1.2 million Internet connected devices were hacked & turned into a botnet that for several hours made prominent websites unavailable across Europe & North America, including CNN, Fox News, The New York Times & The Wall Street Journal.
Increasingly, physical machines are being connected to the internet to augment their capabilities. They're wired through servers that are owned & maintained by private & trusted intermediaries, the so-called “Internet of Things”. Pacemakers from St Jude's Hospital have been hacked, baby monitors from trendnet have been hacked & jeeps from Jeep have been hacked to the point, where they can be remotely commandeered & driven off the road.
Now those vulnerabilities are inescapable in systems that have single points of failure. It doesn't matter if the point of failure is a corporation or if it's a government. There shouldn't be a single point of failure!!
Similar choke points existed before the internet, if you wanted to deliver a message, you'd have to go through one of three television broadcasters or a handful of newspapers. Private corporations are essential, but no critical infrastructure should rely on one or two.
The internet removed single points of failure in Communications Infrastructure & ushered in a wave of competition among New Media corporations,
building on top of its public rails.
Blockchains can similarly disintermediate critical payments & IOT-Infrastructure. The technology is not yet ready to answer all of those questions today, but it is our best hope & as with the internet in the 1990s, we need a light touch pro-innovation policys to ensure that these Innovations flourish for the benefit & security of society.