Food for soul - 📝 Poem - “Exodus” - by ADC:







All goes unrecognizable, blindness caught up in & distracted by the cares & affairs of this pity life.

Evil, sinfulness, bottomless pit & devouring abyss, so advert in their faces that it’s oblivious to them.

Sightless ignorants!! They guide themselves blindly to the grave, writing their own tombstones.

Numbness, insignificance & indifference drowns their minds & hearts.

Having eyes - they don’t see & notice the truth!

Having a mind - they don’t think & understand the truth!

Having ears - they don’t listen & hear the truth!

Having a heart - they don’t feel & sense the truth!

Having feet - they don’t walk & wander towards the truth!

Having lips - they don’t confess & speak out loud the truth!

Having hands - they don’t wash & cleanse them with the truth!

Truth… Truth in plain sight!

What is the truth you ask?

That’s what you want to know, right?

Who were they that once asked, what is the truth, as the truth stood, face to face, eye to eye, before them?

I assure you, the day will come, they will know the truth & the truth will not know them!

They will remember the truth every day for perpetuity.

The restrainer will be taken out of the way…

The salt will be removed…

The light will be turned off…

Right on schedule, no second to early nor to late, in a blink of an eye, a mighty call out, woosshhh, woosshhh, woosshhh.

Two will be in the fields, one will be found, the other will be found no more.

Two will be sleeping, one will continue to dream, the other will dream no more.

Two will be walking, one will arrive home, the other will arrive home no more.

Two will be eating, one will finish its meal, the other will finish its meal no more.

Seeking to understand, they will collect deceit!

Seeking for reason, they will reap deception!

Looking to derive, they will grow distraction!

Seeking to conclude, they will gather bewilderment!

Looking for justification, they will yield delusion!

Seeking an explanation, they will harvest confusion!

Who has ears, listen!

Who has a mind, understand!

Who has eyes, notice!

Who has lips, shout!

Who has a heart, feel!

Who has feet, walk!

Who has hands, praise!”


📝 Poem - “The great illusion” - by ADC


📝 Poem - “H0rr0r fr34k 5h0w 😰” - by ADC