Food the soul - 📝 Poem - “Yom Teruah” - by ADC:
“Your powerful sound is like a supreme waterfall crashing hard rocks beneath, 10,000 horses galloping with brave warriors shouting towards the epic battle, high mighty walls have trembled & fallen at your forceful sound.
Across the endless sea, through the dark storm & under the infinite sky your sound is known & feared.
Your last sound shall not mark the beginnings of a great war or the soured defeat of a nation soon to be forgotten.
Your last sound shall not be at the melodies of psalms or the solo of hymns.
Your last sound shall not be blown by the last standing brave surviving warriors on the last day of battle or on the vast graveyard of the courageous fallen ones.
Wake up, wake up, fear not, mighty sounds traveling through green valleys are calling over high hills, because for this hour we were born.
Rise up, rise up, fear not, as the trumpets were calling with sounds of thunder from afar, because for this hour we were born.
Yom Teruah has come, day of trumpets, day of blowing, feast of shouting, marking the great awakening from our deep sleep in our earthly bed of dust.
Then when the trumpet sounds that day, all scattered dry bones shall rise up again, those in dust & under the deep sea shall love again & those who were awaiting shall be given precious wings like eagles & somewhere above the endless firmament will see with clear eyes.
Then for now we see by a broken mirror, shattered & cracked by the one who was made of pure light, once dwelling in midst of precious stones, his tail stroke & brought down part of the stars of the vault of heavens.
Then for now the dry bones are scattered untraceable all over the four corners of the earth.
Then for now those lost in dust are blown away like leaves with the autumn wind & the deep sea is firmly embracing those who are sleeping in profoundness.
Then for now those patiently pending are still here, awaiting in the endless dark, awaiting in the incessant rain, awaiting in the constant cold.
Wake up, wake up, fear not, mighty sounds traveling through green valleys are calling over high hills, because for this hour we were born.
Rise up, rise up, fear not, as the trumpets were calling with sounds of thunder from afar, because for this hour we were born.“