Food for soul - 📝 Poem - “The coming convergence” - by ADC:
“It is written & they say we were made in Gods image & likeness. I deeply believe it.
Our achievements surpass imagination & our wildest dreams, our creations marveled & praised by countless tongues, our proudness rests in high places touching the stars, but our hearts are not pure, heats of ice, hearts of stone, hearts of iron, hearts of darkness filled with poison, hate, pride, selfishness.
So, in the pursuit of greatness & excellence, seeking them to be written on stone tablets for generations to come, we built our kingdoms & empires upon sand, upon death, upon blood, upon suffering, upon injustice.
But the world we shaped, the empires we created, the kingdoms we established, the castles we build, the houses we live in, the frontiers & walls we planted on sandy soil could never last. They were never meant to last, like the morning mist vanished by the sun.
In the end, we brought condemnation, wrath & perdition upon ourselves, to cleanse us from a corrupt mind, blind eyes, poisoned tongue, stone heart, bloody hands, deaf ears, unclean feet & we were all there.
And the skies opened, fire & brimstone rained down from heavens, poisoning life, consuming hope, bringing death to everything that stood in its path, flooding the land with tears of bitterness.
The world witnessed a new men among mans, a new leader among leaders, a new authority among authorities, a new horn among horns, a new system among systems, like a phoenix rising from hot ashes, promising peace, justice, abundance & equality but only war, famine, persecution, pestilence & death came.
Now as the world wages war, devouring itself, digging its own tomb, writing its own tombstone, I hide, as the innocents are slaughtered, brought to the slaughterhouse, looking death in its bottomless eyes, obscure, soulless, destroyer of worlds.
But there were those, spread like sand by the wind, that knew this days were coming, speaking in languages, speaking of prophecies & signs.
Maybe, that’s why I’m still here, a small voice in the vast & dry desert, to warn those who listen, to walk the way to go with those who are willing to walk, how the world really ends, how the curtains will close, at the sound of drums & trumpets, after the last chapter of the novel.
Torture comes home to roost. Hidden within some folks are the souls of saints, hidden within others are the souls of beasts.
This may be a lot to take in, but for me, the world has already ended, it has signed its own testament, eaten its last meal, walked the last mile.
Well, the world you know anyway.
I remember the quiet whispers about a New World Order & the sound of the end of days, silenced by dawn, dancing leafs by the autumn wind.
Of course, who could believe in such words, or so many thought.
The world wanted change, it wanted a new age of peace & prosperity, a new age of plenty, justice y commonwealth.
Who knew that this pursuit would usher in the very things the world feared the most. They were deceived.
Now, the stone the builders rejected has become the head of the corner, preparing new homes for the bride, wedding of weddings, marriage supper of the Lamb & I am still here, patiently awaiting in the rain, patiently awaiting in the dark, patiently awaiting in the cold, with one purpose, to deliver a message, to testify to the truth.
I know, just telling isn’t enough, it never was.
Truth, who were they that once asked, what is the truth as the truth stood, face to face, before them?
They were blind & in their blindness they were fools & in their foolness they were condemned & in their condemnation they were dead.
Nothing ever changes they thought.
They will be rejoicing, dancing, singing & praising, then blackness & darkness will suddenly come, the sun will shine no more, the lights will be turned off, the moon will dress in darkness, the fire will be extinguished, the doors will be closed & locked. They covered themselves with sackcloth & sat in ashes. They cried, mourned & regretted, they wished, looked for & cried out loud to death & death was hiding from them. No rest & safe place was found.
So, I speak of what the future holds in a pursuit of the truth, whispers of truthfulness.
What truth?
That we were born as slaves, like everyone else, born in bondage, born into an invisible prison that we can not smell, touch or taste. A prison that we can not overcome by our own force, our own deeds, our own efforts, our own justice.
The truth was put into a cage, shackled behind metal bars, in prison it shined, shadows of bars rose & walked upwards the wall by the light of truthfulness.
An escape route was given to everyone, a narrow door to pass through, an ancient map of hope, a bright lighthouse in the dark & rainy distance but if was discarded, thrown away, trampled & cursed.
Not long ago, where you are now, there was a message, a message of hope that still haunts mankind to this day, a message of freedom that will be witness & accuser of them on the day of judgment.
Deaf ears - more should have listened,
blind eyes - more should have seen,
stone hearts - more should have believed,
poisoned tongues - more should have confessed,
corrupt minds - more should have understood,
bloody hands - more should have praised, unclean feet - more should have turned to the right path.
Indeed, more should have listened.”