Food for soul - 📝 Poem - “The inevitable” - by ADC:

“Wait, stop, come back to me. I have to tell you, they used to be just like this, like the world. They were the world, a mirror image, equal & alike. You could not tell the difference.

Seeking the greatest pleasures & luxuries it had to offer, immersed in the pursuit of endless celebration & joy, thinking it would ever end. Yesterday, today, tomorrow, everlasting joy & prosperity.

But really they were distracting themselves from the truth. That from all the comforts & dreams the world has to offer, they last for only a moment, vanishing in our hands, sand flowing between our fingers until only emptiness remains. They were chasing dry leaves that are blown away by the four corners of the wind.

So they drank & their hearts got drunk, consumed a distraction for each moment of their lives, hoping that somehow it can last forever, trying to forget. They closed their eyes, their ears, their hearts & their hands.

In truth they despise the endless toil to fill their endless days, knowing that they can’t stop the inevitable, the abyss right at their feet, walking on a knifes edge, precipice of desperation.

So what value is there in something that doesn’t last, what value is there in a Fata Morgana tricking eyes & hearts? Hopeless dreams, unreachable & unpersuadable.

Even so, they did what they all do. They covered up their fear with distraction, drank empty the cup of foolness, sewing their own eyes & ears, covering their heart with tar.

Oh yeah, the world collapsed, the rug was pulled under their feet, just as he said.

& those warnings about wars & rumors of wars, earthquakes, famine, pestilence, it’s all true.

More should have listened.

Things changed quickly in those final years. There were so many conflicts in those days that people just stopped keeping track. Peace was something that existed only in their memories, replaced of illusions of progress.

They were consumed by blindness & coldness in their hearts. Other generations might have noticed, but not them, not the terminal generation.

All of the dreams of success & luxuries they pursued began to pass away, dreams walking by without looking back, replaced by dry tears of bitterness, hallow screams of sadness & anguish gnawing of tongues cursing the God of heavens for their pain & sores.

But instead of seeing how it was their own hand that brought this upon themselves, they blamed God for their suffering & pain, again & again, until they had no life.

But how can the world blame someone that they don’t believe is there? Covering their shame with cloths of lies.

That’s probably why things got worse & out of control.

So is the world really coming to the last chapter? That’s what you want to know, right? Or maybe you are just killing time. I hope not. That’s the last thing you have.

Everything you’ve seen so far is your past, things you should already know.”


đź“ť Poem - "Homesick for freedom" - by ADC:


đź“ť Poem - "Deaths sting" - by ADC