Food for soul - 📝 Poem - “Homesick for freedom” - by ADC:

“I look upon heavens & feel deeply homesick.

It’s indeed entirely possible to be homesick for a place you have never been to, perhaps more homesick than for familiar ground & what here on earth we call home, where our pillow & our toothbrush rests.

Homesick for heaven, homesick for true life, homesick for our true home.

One place where our heart is full & our soul is understood.

It’s no secret we don’t belong here, foreigners & fugitives, shipwrecked far away from home.

Though we’ve never been there in this life, we still have something God has built within us that gives us a certain homesickness, a deep desire to be there & leave this pit of Egypt, where the hearts of people have turned into stones, where truth, love, mercy & kindness is overshadowed by sin, judgment, hate, selfishness & greed to ephemeral earthily richness.

This dirty pit of Sodom & Gomorrah where nations, governments & central banks are & will embrace CBDC’s (Central Bank Digital Currency), UBI (Universal Basic Income) & total financial & biometric surveillance on our phones, later scanning our eyes or palm of our hands & very soon under our skin, where nations will adopt the 2030 agenda & The Great Reset from the WEF (World Enslavement Forum).

When the UN, Bill Gates & Klaus Schwab tell you that they have an agenda for 2030 with 17 SDG’s - Sustainable Development Goals, you should assume they are dead serious about it & believe that.

Covid19 has been chapter 1 of a multi act play that is gonna take a decade full fill until the red curtains closes.

We are sliding down to the gates of hell.

Tick tock, tick tock, time is passing & running away, unstoppable, faster & faster, the dial displays 23:58:45PM.

Very truly I tell you, we’ll weep & mourn while the world rejoices. We’ll grieve, but our grief will turn to joy.

A woman giving birth to a child has pain because her time has come; but when her baby is born she forgets the anguish because of her joy that a child is born into the world. So with us: Now is our time of grief, but soon we will rejoice & no one will take away your joy.

Life after life, where the corruptible becomes incorruptible, where the mortal becomes immortal, where the old becomes brand new, where the worthless becomes priceless, where the hungry feeds & is satisfied at the table, where the blind frozen by colors in view, where the lame runs to the horizon, where the deaf dances at the harmony of melodies, where goodbyes are no more.

Life after life, where we’ll truly see the essence of who we are.

Then now we look through a shattered mirror, we listen through deaf ears, we speak through sewn mouth, we think through a poisonous mind & we love through a stone heart.”


📝 Poem - “In Love 🤍” - por ADC


📝 Poem - "The inevitable" - by ADC: